Saturday, December 28, 2024

Back on horse


After a fair bit of build up I presented my Picasso video to a general shudder from the Internet. Well, actually, indifference dominated the reaction, but it was tinged with distaste. So naturally I needed a while to collect myself before starting on another music video of any kind. But to my surprise, a few days is all it took to launch back into action. I am only occasionally persevering, so whenever I spot it in myself I am both nonplussed and wonder if there is some kind of trick taking place. This surely can't be real live perseverance! That doesn't sound like me. What can I possibly be up to with all this...


I don't know. 

But I'll try to be impressed until I find out.

And there is also a kind of strange optimism in it. I who have expected the end of the world any second now for over 50 years, do not count myself as a "glass half full" regular. Come to think of it, once upon a time, briefly, the tagline of clerkmanifesto was:

"I'm a glass half full kind of guy, even though it's actually empty", which might do a better job of placing me on the optimism spectrum.

But whenever I start a new artistic project I do tend to carry into it a kind of unreasonable confidence. I was so sure my Picasso video was a profoundly affecting masterpiece when I was making it, although that assurance was salted with a slight inkling that it might all be a bit ridiculous. Now the tables have exactly turned on that Picasso video and I feel sure that it was ridiculous, but have this weird inkling I can't totally get rid of that it might have been brilliant. 

And yet, in the wake of that, here I am telling you about another music video project. My Picasso one is still a bit too fresh in my mind to feel that wild sense of genius as I make it, but this video employs many of the same tools and designs from the previous, albeit all strangely toned down, and better understood. So, in a sense, here I am simply making another one and all fairly sure it will be wonderful.

It won't be.

But oh,

What if it is?

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