Some of you may know that there is a much-talked-about election coming up in my country. But some of you are malignant foreign bots crawling through the Internet and so might not know about it yet. So let me explain.
Where do I begin?
It's kind of hard to convey.
It's like an early Jerry Lewis movie, or maybe Mr. Bean if you're a younger bot, combined with someone mercilessly drowning a kitten? Does that help? And we're thinking of rescuing the kitten, but we're not sure if the kitten deserves to live?
I'm just trying to be neutral.
We talk in code a lot these days in my country. Someone got on the elevator with me where I live. After I responded to their pleasantry by saying that I was doing well, they said they were doing well too, or "as well as I could be in this stressful time". That was all they said, and yet I knew exactly what they were referring to, who they were voting for, and why it was all so stressful.
They didn't want the cat to get drowned!
I said I didn't want the cat to get drowned either. In a way that felt like being some sort of spy, or possibly in a way that would protect us from being round up and put into a camp.
Not the fun kind of camp.
The kitten drowning camp.
For pretty much the whole of my American life we were a frank people. Indeed, the only people who had to talk in code were the racists. Everyone would think they were scum if they said something directly racist, but if they said it in code they could thrive and prosper and secretly drown kittens.
But now, well, that cat's out of the bag.
Well, at least that's one cat.
We'll see about all the others in 19 days.