In my life I have always been politically attentive, sometimes even studious. Much of this comes from a genuine desire for a better world for everyone.
So naturally, like you, I have suffered terribly.
My sources for political knowledge and insight have varied from books and newspapers, interview shows, political, artistic, and economic theory, movies, radio, TV, magazines, and the video essay. With the advent of the Trump era my attention heightened for two reasons; The stakes seemed to be getting so much higher, and YouTube, podcasting, and the short video format produced so much more informative, entertaining, and thought-provoking content. And so I followed politics with increasing intensity.
I was very well informed.
And though I tried to share my political knowledge and ideologies with the people around me, I am, alas, better at art, magic, and clowning. So I also tried not to share my political knowledge and ideologies.
With very mixed success. Jesus, look at this!
And then Trump was elected again in 2024.
I had to take a break. Not just because it was all too horrible to process. And not just because it seemed to demonstrate that all my attention was functionally meaningless. But because all of the people who I read, and appreciated, and who I still believe are mostly thoughtful and clever people, had, in a sense, failed.
I know that some of this is simplistic. I know that people fight, have fought, and must continue to fight for what's right. But I also understand that the election of both Donald Trump and a Republican majority was a failure of this country too large to really look away from.
Too large for it not to have been the responsibility of everyone.
Me too.
Well, maybe not you, but you can decide.
I went on several deleted rants here in this space about how despite this spread of guilt, some people are far more guilty than others, in proportion to their power. But fine, let's just say that's true. The main point is that I have yet to hear any contrition, anywhere.
And so I walked away.
But fascism is loud. And I keep hearing it around the edges of things even as I try not look its way. But when the tide is low there is no reason to think of the water. And when it's high?
The water sloshes miserably in one's boots as one tries to walk.
And so sometimes I drifted irresistibly, accidentally back. Just a little. Just to a person or two who I respected, or appreciated, or learned from the most. Which is how I saw one of Innuendo Studios rare videos: The Alt-Right Playbook: The South Bank of the Rubicon.
It didn't make me feel worse, exactly.
And I really think it's the best understanding of this country in the wake of the 2024 election, the best analysis, the best... consideration.
I don't hardly ever share things like this here, but today I'd like to just this once. It is not a bombastic piece. It is measured, and serious, and thoughtful, but I think, heartfelt. And I am hoping you might like to take it in.
The Alt-Right Playbook: The South Bank of the Rubicon.