Saturday, June 2, 2018

The cream could have passed away

Stickied Introduction:

In order to prepare for a two week trip with my lovely wife to Rome it is necessary for me to write 20 blog posts ahead of time. I don't have a lot of time to do this. I'm not sure I actually have any time to do this. But I have made a sacred charter, somewhere, I think, that says I must post a new blog post everyday. So I wanted to put a stickied explanation of the desperation of my plight at the top of each of my next twenty blog posts.

I am hoping this will explain why my comments might be (checked (X) as appropriate):

__ Brief

xx Belligerent

__ First drafts

__ Silly

__ Unfinished

xx Borderline plagiarized from someone else

xx Borderline plagiarized from myself

__ Petty about the Internet

xx Repeatedly inaccurate

__ Technically illegal in the country of Turkey

__ Ending abruptly

__ Too frank by half

__ Pretty much just the lyrics of some song I like

__ Actually a lot like any of my regular blog posts

This particular post is:

18 of 20

End of Stickied Introduction

So far in all these many dozens of posts, I've particularly enjoyed the ones where I check off the shortcomings in the post I'm about to write and then proceed to fulfill those very deficiencies. There's nothing wrong with having a good time writing is there? Are you saying I can't even have a good time writing when I'm laboring away in agony to come up with 20 blog posts in 6.8 minutes? Oh the monstrous cruelty of it all!

1. Belligerent 

I think I checked this one by mistake. What? A person can't make a simple mistake!? I give and I give and I give!

2. Borderline plagiarized from someone else.

Well excuse me!

3. Borderline plagiarized from myself.

I already used this device once. Is that self plagiarism? Somewhere between the cream rises to the top and dead things float lies the truth.

4. Ending abruptly.

Hmm, this one doesn't seem right. Ah well, I'll fix it in the editing. 

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If you were wondering, yes, you should comment. Not only does it remind me that I must write in intelligible English because someone is actually reading what I write, but it is also a pleasure for me since I am interested in anything you have to say.

I respond to pretty much every comment. It's like a free personalized blog post!

One last detail: If you are commenting on a post more than two weeks old I have to go in and approve it. It's sort of a spam protection device. Also, rarely, a comment will go to spam on its own. Give either of those a day or two and your comment will show up on the blog.