Thursday, June 27, 2024

Communication breakdown, or triumph!


I learned today that another long-time co-worker at my library will be leaving us soon. He is moving to California. I learned this directly from a colleague, who had learned it from another of our co-workers. That co-worker had learned it from another co-worker who had found out about it in a series of texts from a former co-worker who had apparently learned it directly from the person moving to California.

So you know it must be true.

All of this may make me sound like the last person to know. But the truth is, as I told the colleague who told me and who learned it from a co-worker who learned it from a co-worker who learned it from a former co-worker who learned it from the person leaving, I had already heard this news from the co-worker who learned it in a text from a former co-worker who had learned it from the person moving to California.

So don't worry. I've still got my finger on the pulse of things around here.

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