Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Good and bad

Another happy day out at the front desk of the library, but almost right away we've got a good news bad news situation:

Bad news:
Someone has spilled their extra large coffee, and it has formed a massive, pale brown lake to the immediate East of the DVDs.

Good news:
In the ranking of the utter vileness of spilled library liquids "Coffee, sweetened" is so far down the list of offensiveness that it nearly qualifies as "Charming".

Bad news:
There is no Janitor on duty today.

Good news:
I had purchased for us a special front desk bucket and sponge that I have been waiting for months to press into action.

Bad news:
No sponge has ever been as absorbent as I fancy they will be, and this one is not remotely an exception. Did I mention that there is a "Lake" of coffee? I did? Well I wasn't kidding. My first impulse before cleaning this sprawling pool of coffee was to rent out canoes.

Good news:
It is an unusually quiet afternoon at the library so I am freed up to meticulously mop up the coffee with my sponge, a thimbleful at a time.

Bad news:
I am working the front desk with the least functional of all my co-workers. While we were at the desk together I was able to easily help every single patron who came to us during which time she observed some kind of strange, non-compete clause and avoided helping anyone. But the moment I go to sponge up coffee she is overwhelmed to the point where a long line forms.

Good news:
I enjoy real world illustrations of our comparative efficiencies.

Bad news:
The cleaning water in my bucket has been so overwhelmed by coffee that it is now, functionally, coffee.

Good news:
My hands will smell delightfully of coffee for the next few days.

Bad news:
I cannot think of a decent way to end this blog post.


  1. Do the library rental canoes come with life jackets?

    1. It doesn't seem necessary as the lake is only a fraction of an inch deep, but state boating regulations mandate it, so, yes.

    2. Well I am relieved. Thank you. You can't be too careful around libraries. All those books, you know.


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