library has never managed its bathrooms well. The janitorial staff was
underrepresented for years, then, in a move that surely greased
somebody's palm, the custodial work was outsourced. Some things got a
little cleaner because we were now spending four times as much on
custodial work, half in what I assume is graft, but could have been pure
mismanagement, and half in increased custodial staff.
the bathrooms didn't get cleaner. Bathrooms are the hardest thing to
clean. This is because no one wants to clean them. Any janitor I have
ever seen will spin out emptying garbage into a three hour process, but
will do the bathrooms in seven minutes top, that is, as quickly and
rarely as possible.
don't blame them. I also think they should be paid more. I actually
think, if I were king of the library, staff would do their own custodial
work, and it would be bribe based. But since I am not King I will just
say this:
programming. Forget online resources. The hell with your storytimes,
your makerspace, your Winter Reads programs, and your STEAM. Forget what
DVDs you have, or how nice your front desk people are, or if you have
adequate parking. The worth of a public library must first be judged
based on how clean and nice your bathrooms are. Well, that and maybe the
quality of your books too.
Bathrooms express the deep soul of the institution.
But what I'm really trying to say is this:
can there still be, after almost two weeks, after, theoretically, a
minimum of 24 cleanings, a poo stain on the back of the toilet bowl in
staff bathroom number two?
Re: Bathroom Blog Post: OMG