Wednesday, July 29, 2020

You never know what you'll find

Early in the Pandemic era, let's say starting somewhere in March, I began regularly going out on photography forays several times a week. Now here, at the tail end of July, I experienced the single best photography day I have ever had. 

At dawn it rained, leaving glistening flower petals, magical water droplets, and tiny pools cradled in the foliage of flower beds, reflecting a brilliant blue sky salted with vivid puffs of white clouds. If I didn't like the natural light, just wait five seconds and a softening shadow would arrive. If I liked that original light? Just wait a moment and it would all come back, better than ever. The morning air was fresh and cool to keep my comfort at a maximum. And there was nary a breeze to disturb even the most delicately poised of flowers, perched on their long, thin stems. Birds cavorted, and then, importantly, rested a bit. Bunnies snacked in the lawns and were curious rather than disturbed by my strange endeavors. All manner of interesting small flying things danced about among the profusion of flowers. Oh and the flowers! Never have there been so many flowers! Flowers are everywhere, in the sidewalk cracks and among the lawns, in the roadside dirt strips and crammed along the alleyways. But most of all there are the flowers in the gardens, teeming and flourishing, peach and flames, cool blue and purples, black and whites as colors, at a peak of Summer opulence, with the old flowers growing mysteriously larger and more deeply colored, and the new flowers blooming in illuminating abundance.

So how did my pictures turn out?

I don't know. I haven't looked yet.

And what, among florid bees, exquisite flowers, adorable bunnies, and vivid birds did I take pictures of?

Hosta leaves.

Yes, the ubiquitous Midwestern generic foliage, the hosta. Easy to grow, green and imperturbable. Available to photograph April through October. Not sensitive to wind. Always there. And on the whole indifferent to good photography days or bad ones, so really there was no point. But

Hosta leaves.

Just... Hosta leaves.

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