I have thus far resisted the decade old (at least) impulse to occasionally post repeats here. I seriously doubt that if while feeling too sick or injured to make something new I posted up a particularly winsome piece of writing from a post here from early 2016 there would be many among you who would cry out "Wait a second! This is super familiar!"
But as fond as I am of all you readers out there, that wouldn't be my reason anyway.
Keeping up with clerkmanifesto is a calling, and it's a practice. Making some kind of finished creative work every day (on average) is sustaining to my soul. So I do it. And I leave the rereading of clerkmanifesto to whoever wants it. It's all out there in the back floodwaters of the Internet.
So it's a little odd that I am here reintroducing a post I wrote a mere three days ago!
I woke one morning with a lot of discomfort and wrote "Cracked Rib". It was okay. It seemed a little like a poem.
And you know what we do to poems around here?
Set them to music.
In the end my text was radically altered to work as lyrics. But I and my robot friends made a song out of it through many trials and errors. Then I pounded it into a music video with footage from a sixties Zen movie, a thirties flood movie, and some AI flotsam.
And so I brought my blogpost to life.
What's old (three days) is new again.
I am satisfied.
And my rib is cracked.
I didn't pay a hell of a lot of attention to grammar, and when I write it is for the love of the word, the color, like tossing paint on a canvas, and using a lot of ear and having read a bit here and there, I generally come out ok, but technically I don't know what's happening, nor do I care."
ReplyDelete~ Charles Bukowski
I agree, Charles Bukowski would have loved me.