Wednesday, January 29, 2025

The height of my political cynicism


At the height of my political cynicism, where the situation is too dark for me to spend much time with it, we are having a special election for a County Commissioner.  I know, of course, all about the looming fascism here, and the very real Republican horror slowly lowering on my country like a dark, miasmic fog right now, but these county commissioners are every one of them Democrats. 

So that shouldn't be so bad, right?

But that's not the way it works. 

And I happen to know that none of the county commissioners are, well, for lack of a better word, good.

Or to put it another way, they are bad.

For instance, the reason there is an open seat for this special election is because the County Commissioners created a new agency, and then one of them left to run it at a very generous executive salary notably higher than that of a County Commissioner.

So the hope would be that a really good person is running for this newly created opening. But there is little news or information about the people running for the position. 

And here comes the cynicism part.

We know that no one good is running because if they were...

We would be hearing all about their flaws.

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