Monday, January 19, 2015




Just in case you don't get to all the comments on my blog, there was quite an active discussion on a recent post. I smashed my "most comments in a blog post" record! The swear word referred to in the first comment is concerning my use of the word *******, as in ******* Ancient Mariner. The ******* stands for fucking which I will not write here because I only swear once every 100 blog posts.





  1. We only use swear words once out of every 100 blog posts, so today is a special occasion!


    1. Swear word? Was it "bimbos"?
    2. Yes, exactly, it was "bimbos". I only felt okay using it because it was a direct quote.
  2. I only add 3 of my own comments to my blog posts once every 100 posts, so today is a special occasion!


    1. Isn't it actually five comments you've added, counting this one and the other comment you wrote that you pretended was from an anonymous user but was actually just you?
    2. No, the joke is on you! It is actually six comments!
  3. This is all very interesting, but does anyone read the comments down here?


    1. Not usually, which is the beauty of it, it's like whispering a secret to the wind, or writing a little prayer and shoving it into the cracks of the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
    2. Ooh! This sounds super interesting. How do I leave a comment?
    3. I'm sorry, comments are now closed for this post.
    4. How did I do this then?
  4. Just as a small point of interest, I am fast approaching my all time record for most comments on a single post!


    1. Hmm, though I am wondering if this record counts if I am the one leaving all the comments.
    2. I think so as long as in some of the comments you pretend to be an anonymous person and not yourself.
    3. Well then, SHAZAM! We have done it! Sixteen comments!
    4. Sixteen comments? Wow, this must really be a good blog post!
    5. Maybe, I hope so. I mean, I can't even remember the blog post, but I am high as a kite on all these comments!
  5. Hey, good work on all the comments. I know what it's like- I'm getting a lot of reaction to my upcoming album of Frank Sinatra songs.


    1. Bob, I am touched that you read my blog, and I think you are great, but if you keep promoting your cd of Sinatra covers on my blog I swear I will ban you so fast your head will spin!
    2. I am sorry, I don't know what comes over me! If there's anything I can do to make it up to you let me know. Do you need any sneakers?
    3. Actually, I do have a small, er, request. Not for me, but if it's not too late for a favor?
    4. Anything, just say the word.
    5. I would like you to take a nice break from touring and then publicize a really huge return concert, maybe solo acoustic. During that concert spend at least half the stage time chatting affably to the crowd, telling stories, making wry comments, you know the thing. When you play songs do them pretty similarly to how they are on the records.

      Would this be okay?
    6. You totally had me going there!

      But do you think I should take a break from my tour and spend a couple weeks with my daughter?
    7. Bob, I've begged you not to ask me these questions. I don't know. I don't know you or your daughter.
    8. Right, right. Sorry. I'm sorry.
  6. Hey, is that really Bob Dylan?

    And congratulations on all the comments, all from different people, almost none of whom are actually you!


    1. I don't understand, who else would it be other than Bob Dylan?

      I know! The comments, there's like thirty some! I feel like Smitten Kitchen!

      Btw, love the painting, especially the deposition one at the Vatican.
    2. Thanks, it's all in the glaze work.

      Love the blog, keep up the good work!
    3. I'll try, but lately I'm spending so much time writing comments it's hard to keep up with the blog! lol.


  1. Just have to add a comment to this comment post, though there is really nothing left to comment on since you have already done such a thorough job.

    1. And yet, nevertheless I am delighted at your contribution.


If you were wondering, yes, you should comment. Not only does it remind me that I must write in intelligible English because someone is actually reading what I write, but it is also a pleasure for me since I am interested in anything you have to say.

I respond to pretty much every comment. It's like a free personalized blog post!

One last detail: If you are commenting on a post more than two weeks old I have to go in and approve it. It's sort of a spam protection device. Also, rarely, a comment will go to spam on its own. Give either of those a day or two and your comment will show up on the blog.