I have some pictures to show you!
No, I wasn't complaining about making pictures yesterday, I was just saying they're complicated. EVERYONE ALWAYS THINKS I'M COMPLAINING ABOUT THINGS BUT I'M JUST SAYING THEY'RE COMPLICATED!
Sorry for yelling.
No, I'm not complaining.
It's just...
Complicated. Thank you. Good word.
So then I was saying how a lot of picture taking is like panning for gold- one filters and filters away all the river mud for the tiny grains of precious metal. Then one takes it into town after a hard day's work of panning and panning, and the goldmonger puts the gold on their scale and says:
"There's so little here my scale is having trouble registering it."
Or something to that effect.
No, I'm not complaining about being an artist, I'm just saying...
Right right. We covered that.
Thought-provoking collection today.