Wednesday, October 16, 2024

All been done before


As I wind down my library career (that sounds too fancy. How about "my library sojourn"?) I find that our staff suddenly consists of a cadre of young people, people much the age I was when I started here. Thirtyish. And some of these young people are lively, and come up with ideas for the library.

"I wish we had merch."


"They should have interesting authors on In Service Day."


"We should have a library team."

And as an elder of the library, I am here to meet their enthusiasm with the cold dose of history.

We have done everything already. We had merch, we had authors, and have you ever heard of "The Dewey Decimators?" And like the Ancient Mariner, I am here to tell them all about it. These are long, harrowing stories meant to curdle their bones.

But it's not like I'm all doom and gloom about their fresh new enthusiasms. Sure we have already done everything... 

But we didn't do any of it very well.

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