This introduction will remain largely the same for the next few days.
Luckily it's super entertaining!
Because I will be away for a several days, I have to, by personal contract with my soul, put together a small collection of ready to go posts for them to roll out regularly in this space while I'm gone. My simple solution was to put together some of the videos I have been working on relentlessly, and show one of those each day.
But in clerkmanifestoland, our best plans grow mushrooms. Now, late at night and needing to bring things to a conclusion, I just have hundreds of pieces laying all around me, and almost nothing done.
All of the complicated AI footage I have been working on pertains to Clerkmanifestoland, or Clerkmanifesto City. And though I would like to bring more finished films, really what I might describe as odd little faux promotional films, how about we settle for some works in progress?
As ever, click through the picture to roll the movie.
Today's picture and video is, in addition to yesterday's, a little older, so perhaps I don't have to tip my hand so soon on my newer footage.
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