Friday, October 18, 2024

My masterpiece


My masterpiece?

Well, maybe I should walk that back a little.

I worked forever on this music video, or, in layman's terms, two days. And when I finished it before bed I felt a kind of elation. My masterpiece! I put it up on YouTube and went to bed, but it took awhile for me to fall asleep. I was fizzing. I mean, have you seen this thing?

Oh, right, this is the introduction, so you haven't yet.

Well, by introduction this is...

A music video of the creek and falls near my house. Yes, my dear wife and I live in the heart of the toddling city of Saint Minneapolis, but this almost secret place lies a short walk from our home and any reader of clerkmanifesto will have seen miles of pictures of this area. I wrote a song for all my footage and magicked in an animal here or there. I edited it all together and, voila.

In the morning I watched this music video without the sound to see what it might look like on YouTube. 

Maybe it's not a masterpiece after all then?

Maybe it needs the music to live and breathe?

Maybe I have lost all perspective.

But in the end it doesn't matter. I have had my fun, and now it is yours. It can be a masterpiece if you want it to be.


As ever, click through the picture. It really does need the sound I think. Also, I have cheated tradition here with the picture not being the first frame, rather from a few seconds in. But I will also include the first frame if you insist on that experience. Either picture will take you to the two minute video:

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