I have been working with zombies.
Artistically, not actually.
This is not like me. I am more a ghosts and goblins and all the pretty glowing lights of purple and orange. I am a Linus in his sincere pumpkin patch sort of Halloween person. I am all in for the only slightly scary but also slightly comic sort of Halloween aesthetic.
But there is a corner near where walk, and it spoke to me today. It whispered for me to put a zombie there. So I took a picture of the corner, and when I put all my ingredients in my AI oven to make zombie, well, it came out serious.
It was one hardcore flesh eating zombie!
I'll show it to you tomorrow maybe. I kind of want to make it even worse. But I advise you to not watch it.
Don't worry though, I'll fully warn you.
Tonight when we were closing the library, or just me, when just I was closing the library, two young men came down the stairs. They were the last of the day's patrons. One of them was wearing a T-shirt that said, in big letters "I love brains" Which is nice and suitable for a library I think. But then, in smaller letters underneath, it said "I wish more people had them".
Maybe you'll see where I'm going with this.
As I was ushering them out, I said to the kid with the T-shirt: "You could dress as a zombie for Halloween and wear that shirt."
He looked down at his shirt.
He seemed to like the idea.
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