Monday, October 14, 2024



Monday is busy at clerkmanifesto!

Over the weekend readers rest their eyes and turn their attention to simpler fair like 18th Century French Verse, but with renewed energy, they come here to clerkmanifesto on Monday morning, roll up their sleeves, and...

Well, you know the rest.

You're the one I'm referring to.

"Me?" You ask shyly, but a little bit cautiously proud.

Yes, you are the pride of clerkmanifesto!

You get a little embarrassed. 

You think to yourself "He's probably talking about some other reader."


Don't get me wrong. I think the other readers are fantastic, but you are the pride of clerkmanifesto.

You are quiet for a long time.

"I've never read any 18th Century French Verse." You say in a small voice.

Oh, I was just being silly about that part.

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