Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Banning the patrons


A longtime library patron was recently banned from our library for the second time. I believe this ban is for three months. The patron in question is relatively mild-mannered, but does run into problems regarding his zeal for certain unsavory, offensive views. He was escorted out of the library after a while by the local police. It was all civil, though not without tension.

I have dealt with this man for many years and consider it part of the landscape of library work. I have dealt with worse. But almost invariably when things grow problematic enough for someone to be formally banned it's a breath of fresh air. Not at first. The banning is like ripping a Band-Aid off, but the aftermath is a relief, and not having him here for three more months will surely be healing.

Although maybe not to him.

I think he might need a different kind of healing.

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