Monday, January 6, 2025

The problem with numbers


I probably spend too much time on the Internet. With all its fecundity it seems like there would be so much entertainment there. Certainly far more entertainment than the too much TV I watched when I was 20 years old and there were but nine channels to view on my local television.

And yet, it all comes out to about the same.

Even as this thought occurs to me, and I set it down here, I am astonished. This surely cannot be so. I must be joking!

But if I look into my heart, my soul, my critical self, my pockets, and my little gray cells, without the dramatic math of nine million possibilities vs. nine possibilities, if I look at my actual experience, oh   my    god.

It is so.

It is so!

When I think of nine million channels of the Internet, surely even a single percent of that, taking the single best out of every hundred, must be excellent. But how about a single percent of that single percent! That's 900 channels of the most rarefied, scintillating, distilled to perfection content on planet earth......

.....which I just squandered two hours of my life on.

I could have been writing this.

"Is it better than nine million other things?" You might ask.

It's not a competition. A person can only do one thing at a time.

And then they feel what they feel.

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