Sunday, January 12, 2025

What Mark Twain said


I do not quote Mark Twain everyday here at clerkmanifesto. I've barely done it a dozen times. And so it is something of a special occasion for me to quote Mark Twain today.

If only I had a quote by Mark Twain to do it with.

But what's this? I have a book called The Wit and Wisdom of Mark Twain sitting on the table next to me?

I know Mark Twain is not quite the fashion he was a dozen years ago when I was first quoting him, but what better way for us to put him through his paces and make up our own minds about him than giving him one shot, one random moment from his wit and wisdom, to dazzle us with.

This will be completely random.

A real, not fake (I've been known to dabble with such things in the past) attributed quote by Mark Twain, and you will help chose it!

Yes, you, actually, you.

Chose a number. 

Go ahead. Think of the number in your head, but it should be between 2 and 55 (it's a short book).

You have your number? 


Now chose a letter between A and H.

No, I can wait.

I have all the time in the world.

Sorry, yes, you have to do it before we can proceed.

No hurry.


Here is the random quote you picked:

"As to the adjective: when in doubt, strike it out."

What do you think?

Well, I think that it's              .

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