Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Bob Dylan's opinion of Complete Unknown


Some of you, knowing about my personal relationship wherein I go drinking with Bob Dylan, were perhaps disappointed that I covered my seeing the movie Complete Unknown in this space yesterday with no reference to what Bob thought of it. So I called Bob.

I don't normally call Bob.

Bob does not normally answer.

But expect the unexpected with Bob.

Except not too much of the unexpected, and once you work out the pattern, barely any at all.

Nevertheless, there was Bob.

"Hi Bob. I saw it!" I said.

"You saw what?"  He asked.

"Your movie."

"Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid?" He asked.

Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid is a movie he had a small part in in the early seventies. I ignored him. He knew what I was talking about. 

"I thought it was hilarious. Finally, they had the sense to make a comedy about you."

"A comedy?" He replied. I could tell he was thinking this interpretation over and kind of liking it.

"What did you think of it?" I asked, coming to the alleged heart of the matter.

There was a long silence.

"I think we should go out drinking sake the next time I'm in town." Bob said apropos of nothing.

"So you thought it was fairly accurate." I interpreted.

"I guess so." He said in an offhand way that sounded weirdly like Timothee Chalomet.

Then we talked of more important things.

Just kidding.

We made brief plans and hung up.

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