Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Elephants at the front desk


I should be sharing with you my hilarious banter at the front desk of the library, like with the woman who returned a bookclub in a bag at the front desk (a sort of small duffle with ten of the same book and a readers' guide for bookclubs). I thanked her and she said "Aren't you going to check it?"

And I replied, "I think if you're wanting me to check it it's going to all be there."

Or with the man who wanted to check out a book on investing, who didn't have his card or ID, but could rattle off his 14 digit library card number with aplomb. To whom I said "With your flair for numbers I'm sure you'll be a millionaire in no time."

And my god those would have been delightful posts!

But for some reason, I found a picture I had taken of a lovely romantic painting on my phone. And I thought it would be nice if some elephants walked through it.

And so that's what I've done instead.

There is sound here. And remember, click once to set it. Bottom right corner for full screen. And then hit go,  and voila!


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