"Hey," A reader writes in. "You're always writing about how great your library is, and how funny and charming all the library patrons are, and how thoughtful the management is, and how lovely and gracious your co-workers all are. Doesn't anything ever bother you?"
There is this one, tiny, wee little thing.
I don't like when one offers to do something nice for someone and they ascribe selfish motives to it.
My example is from earlier today:
A patron approached the front desk of my library. They had a dollar. "I needed to pay for a printout they helped me with at the Reference Desk." The patron said. "But they didn't have change and said you could help."
This is true!
I gave them change for the dollar and, since they were clearly pocketing all the change without looking at it, told them that I couldn't take the payment for printing, but they could put it in any of the lockboxes next to any of the copiers or printers.
This person got super confused super fast! So I explained it all again and pointed out the nearest convenient lockbox, across the library.
The patron gazed out into the distance and remained resolutely confused. So I took pity.
"If you want to give me the twenty cents I could walk over and drop the money in the box when I get the chance."
The patron slid me over their two thin dimes and, now understanding everything, said "Need to get your steps in, eh?"
Other than that everything is basically perfect here.
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