Friday, January 24, 2025

Things that work on clerkmanifesto!


Having struggled for some time with the functionality I have here with my posting of visual elements, I am delighted to find I can do things that I wasn't able to do before. One of these now appears to be video! I might like this method better than linking you over to YouTube or Instagram, but this method looks a little less fancy at first glance, and it requires simple instructions which I will share with you now so that you can watch the following two library promotional non promotional videos in the best way possible.

These videos all have sound.


1. Click once on the video. This will load it and give you a fresh viewing box!

2. (Optional) Click on the box in the bottom right corner to give you a full screen version. The video will play fine without doing this, but it will be very small and you will miss out on the fantastical cinematic wonder of my movie (or, er, TV commercial?)

3. Click one more time on the video to play it.

That's all!

Pretty easy, huh?

It might even work!!!

So try it out...


If you were wondering, yes, you should comment. Not only does it remind me that I must write in intelligible English because someone is actually reading what I write, but it is also a pleasure for me since I am interested in anything you have to say.

I respond to pretty much every comment. It's like a free personalized blog post!

One last detail: If you are commenting on a post more than two weeks old I have to go in and approve it. It's sort of a spam protection device. Also, rarely, a comment will go to spam on its own. Give either of those a day or two and your comment will show up on the blog.