Sunday, May 12, 2024

The viola player


I was out at the front desk with a very part-time co-worker. I like him. We were talking about the viola, which he plays. When we finished talking, for some odd reason, I started to compose a joke in my mind about a viola. 

Unfortunately, it didn't work out. 

And this is how it goes:

A dyslexic viola player was having problems with their viola. So they took their viola to their local instrument repair person. The dyslexic viola player watched the repair person nervously for quite a while as the repair person asked questions and poured over their viola. Finally, just as the viola player was starting to think the repair person would never figure out the problem, a thrilled moment of understanding passed over the repair person's face, and they handed the instrument back to the dyslexic musician triumphantly,  "Voilà!" They said.

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