The reinvention of cooking does not come along every day. So it is with some pride that I here introduce my own completely new approach to cooking.
I call it Homeogastronomy.
While Homeogastronomy borrows from the world's most recent reinvention of cooking, namely molecular gastronomy, that is, roughly put, the creative breakdown of ingredients to their essential elements, it uses only aspects of it, combining it with the theories of the alternative medicine known as Homeopathy, to create something that is not only new to the world, but one that will likely change the way people eat. Unique to Homeogastronomy is how this will change not just the way people might eat in the world's finest, most expensive restaurants, but it will also change how people eat at every socioeconomic level and in every home.
In short, Homeogastronomy will not just change how we think about food, but I expect it to solve nearly every fundamental problem related to food: adequate nutrition, world hunger, issues of food supply, and healthful eating.
Perhaps instead of continuing to make such bold, grand claims about the power and future of Homeogastronomy it would help if I provided a simple example. My example could be with virtually any food that exists, from truffles to apples to the finest grass fed lamb chop, but here we will start with simple rice, Homeogastronomic rice.
Homeogastronomic Rice
Prepare an eighth of a cup of rice as normal. It is only an eighth of a cup, so it might as well be the best rice you can find anywhere, organic, highest grade, the sky is the limit. Cook it in Evian if you like. A small investment here will reap great dividends later. From this simple eighth of a cup you will be preparing enough rice to last you a year.
Take a single grain of your cooked rice. Discard the remainder (or eat it if you like). Cut your single grain of cooked rice in half. Cut the half of a grain of rice in half again and continue doing so until the piece of rice is so small you cannot halve it anymore. Indeed, you should barely be able to see it.
Add your miniscule speck of rice to a quarter cup of olive oil, or any other cooking oil, or even water if you prefer. Any of these mediums will work. I prefer olive oil. Bring the quarter cup of olive oil to a low heat, just to where it is beginning to simmer. Remove from heat. Strain through cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer. Add 3/4 cup more olive oil (or water or whatever you're using). Let cool gradually. Decant the room temperature oil or water into good quality glass vials. Store in a cool, dark place.
That's it!
What's happening? You ask.
The oil or water is retaining the memory of the rice you prepared. Though there will be no actual rice in your oil anymore, each drop of your oil or water will be roughly the equivalent of an eighth cup of rice! One of those little vials of oil will be enough to feed a starving family of four for at least a week! But of course no one will have to get by on just rice anymore. Similar Homeogastronomic recipes with shrimp, green beans, cashews and so on will allow the poorest people in the world to eat like kings, all with four drops of water or oil.
If you are thinking "Hey, but what if I like the toothy feel of chewing real food?" No problem. Thirty caviar eggs, made Homeogastronomically, will allow me to have a lovely, daily afternoon snack I could never afford in a million years, all perhaps on a real blini or water cracker. Problem solved.
Or what about this; the Doctor says it would be a good idea for you to eat more leafy greens. A couple of drops of Homeogastronomic kale, or chard, on a dish of real ice cream (if you still like food the old fashioned way) will put you quickly on the road to health!
It goes on from there: Truffles so cheap that it's like giving them away. A single farmer's field raising enough grain to feed an entire country. Food that never spoils. Dishes too complicated for the home cook to make all in a single spoonful of liquid. Perfect health in your pantry. And, of course, not least by any means, the end of hunger!
Homeogastronomy, try it once, then watch it change the world.
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