"I could stand to be more humble."
I say in an act of self reflection so awe inspiring grown men weep.
This thought came to me when I turned on a jazz station driving to work today. Well, not the second part of the thought. That came later. But the first, humble part came when I heard, as I usually do, a terrific song on the jazz station and, luckily, my car radio was displaying who the song was by:
Chick Corea.
I have nothing against Chick Corea.
I have heard of Chick Corea pretty much all my life in the way one hears of someone and then just thinks:
Eh, whatever.
And it never occurred to me that Chick Corea might be absolutely fantastic to listen to.
I probably don't know a lot of things.
I like the jazz station because it is a nice place to be ignorant. Pretty much everything is a pleasant surprise.
After the Chick Corea song, a song came on by, well, I can't remember the name, maybe Joey Defrancesco? It was just as good really as the Chick Corea one. The title was something like:
Things You Don't Know.
There are still a few.
I wouldn't mind finding some more.
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