Monday, January 20, 2025

Old revelations new projects


I am working on new images for new projects which is always a tricky time at clerkmanifesto. Everything I make is for clerkmanifesto, but some things take longer than other things, which sometimes challenges the sacred law of daily posting. One solution is to show work in progress, which is what we are up to today. And as you will soon see I am working on library promo pictures. These will eventually be for short films of some kind.

I don't know why I am making library promo pictures. They're not actually promoting anything. They're really just whimsies.

Perhaps my upcoming departure from the library after so many years is playing on my mind. And even my careful circumspection around exactly what library I have been writing about for all these years on clerkmanifesto seems to be falling away to the point where I now have animals emblazoned with the name of my branch. I look around where I work these days and think "What a tiny world it all is and what a big one it has been."

I won't be sad to go.

But I'm not sad to have been.

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