Friday, January 10, 2025

In one year


In one year clerkmanifesto will supposedly be regaling you with tales of life in coastal France. There's a lot to be done before we get to all that. Not least of which is just living life as it comes for many months. And though I am full of imaginations of our future life, I do understand they are not greatly useful, nor are they likely to be accurate.

Nevertheless moments come upon me where my computer window is drawn to looking at my future, and little daydreams of me and my darling wife's coming times flit about me like butterflies I feel sure I didn't invite in, but probably did.

So yes, I sent my advance guard along to check out our future home of next Fall and Winter. Yes, this is our little town, the one of all our initial planning and carful booking, but presented in only half real versions. Real versions don't seem right for dreaming, and fox and skunk wouldn't deign to visit them in that guise anyway.

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