People at work ask me for personal advice. I am good at advice because I practice giving advice every day, here, in this very space, to the whole world.
So these people say to me "I have a problem. Can I have some advice?"
And I reply "Yes." And I sit up straight and listen.
They tell me the problem.
It's a tough one.
I say "You should do this, maybe."
They get a little tensed up. Then they respond that they can't do that because of some other problem.
So I think more carefully about it.
"You should definitely do this, then." I tell them, having considered it and feeling pretty confident about my solution.
They get a little more tense.
"I can't do that." They tell me. "Because of this complicating factor that did not get mentioned earlier.
So then I'm quiet for a bit.
"I'm really sorry about your problem." I say seriously. "It sounds so difficult and awful."
They relax for a moment. "Thank you." They reply gravely, and they walk away satisfied.
Like I said, I am good at advice.
Classic "Yeah, but..." syndrome. Endemic.