Saturday, June 3, 2017


The hostility of this blog towards Cat Fancy and Dog Fancy magazines is longstanding. It is largely based on their being owned by the same company, which is much like the NAACP and The Brothers of the Southern Confederacy being run by the same umbrella organization. "Well, naturally they are housed in two separate but equal offices, with separate staffs, except they share a CFO, and Human Resources, and a Marketing department. Did I mention we're a for profit corporation? Would you like to invest? Among other things we own the two largest Kosher Butcheries in the world and the second biggest chain of pig farms in the Americas. We're also the publisher of The Ethical Vegan." 

And if you're grimacing as you read, clucking your tongue and thinking "That makes me feel uncomfortable. It's so unnervingly unwholesome." Then you have perfectly hit upon my feelings about the dog and cat magazine situation.

The publisher only made it worse when they changed the name of the magazines and decided to alternate publishing them each month. They are now called Catster and Dogster magazines, apparently to reflect their more wacky and playful and hip coverage of pets. I just see a bunch desperate capitalist mercenaries with no convictions. No doubt they'll add more pets to their increasingly thin magazine coverage, using the same ridiculous "one size fits all" naming scheme. Rodents, yuck, are probably next. 

I suppose they'll call it "Hamster".

I mean, unless that's the one about pet pigs.


  1. I understand that AAA is planning to change the title of "Home and Away" to "Roadster."

    1. Hmm, but that could be an improvement. Better than AARP becoming Oldster. Or New Age Magazine becoming Blisster.

  2. Why allow yourself to be bogged down by any company's contradictory projects. Enjoy the pictures, purview the advertisements, this is the way of Bliss(ster). Focus only on this and you will be diverted.

    1. Okay, totally. I will get myself a pet pig, a hamster, and a few magazine subscriptions and just... chill... ahhhhhhh.

      Is this what you were thinking?

  3. "Don't worry, Be happy!"
    Surely you remember that jingle from the Bush Senior years?

    1. Oh sure. The songwriter conducted our orchestra here for awhile.

  4. ... It's only just occured to simple me that when society does collapse, having a pig around be a good protein investment! :*)

    1. Well, as I understand it the dogs of the hunter gatherers filled a 3-point role: guards, pets, and emergency dinner. So sure, get a pig now; winning personalities, eat garbage, and, you know, things might get dicey down the line... You can read about it in Hamster Magazine (published biannually).


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